
I'm Sergio.

I'm a Frontend Software Engineer with a strong passion for building web applications with great user experiences.
Here's a bit more about me.

Here are some of my projects

  • Photo App

    React.js, TypeScript, Redux, Tailwind CSS

    Photo App is an app that allows users to view and save photos from Unsplash. Includes infinite scrolling, favouriting, and light/dark theme. Data was fetched using Unsplash API and users can search for photos, collections, and users.

  • Netflix Clone

    Next.js, TypeScript, RecoilJS, Firebase, Google Auth, Stripe, MUI, Tailwind CSS

    Netflix clone made using Next.js. Data is fetched from TMDB API to allow users to view trailers and additional information about movies/TV shows. Firebase was used for account creation/sign-in with Google Auth. Includes Stipe Checkout to mock the subscription plans used in netflix (fully functioning - use a stripe test card to try it out. Card # 4242424242424242 with any CVC and expiry date)

  • Twitter Clone

    Next.js, NextAuth.js, RecoilJS, Firebase, Tailwind CSS

    Twitter clone made using Next.js. Allows users to posts tweets (including photos), comments, and likes. Firebase was used to implement Google Sign-In user authentication to display user's name and profile picture. User generated data is also stored in Firebase.

  • Google Search Clone

    Next.js, Tailwind CSS

    Google Search clone made in Next.js. Uses Google Search API to dynamically pull and display search results. Includes Server-Side Rendering as well as pagination.